Jej biologickí rodičia ju opustili kvôli farbe očí. NAŠLA SI ALE NOVÚ RODINU, ktorá pre ňu…

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Päťročné dievčatko, ktoré sa narodilo so vzácnou očnou poruchou, spôsobujúcou ukrutné bolesti, sa po odstránení zázračne uzdravilo.

MANDATORY BYLINE - PAIGE EWING PHOTOGRAPHY / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: -- MANDATORY BYLINES -- Mum Eryn in 2016 shortly after bringing back their daughter Primrose and sharing their battles with her health conditions - her piercing silver eyes showing strong, that would become deadly for her) - A five-year-old is adapting to life without sight after her ultra-rare syndrome meant her piercing silver eyes left her in agony and had to be removed. Primrose Austin was in horrendous pain due to the problems caused by a build-up of pressure, a retinal detachment in one eye while the other endured shrinking to half its size. Chris and Eryn, 34 and 35, from Buford, Georgia, US, adopted her from a Chinese orphanage three years ago, determined to give her a family in 2016. They were told she was blind from untreated congenital glaucoma, which caused her eyes to cloud over, and that she was potentially deaf. - SEE CATERS COPY

Primrose Austinová sa učí znova chodiť po tom, čo lekári odstránili očné tkanivo, ktoré ju držalo v nekonečnej agónii.

Malému dievčatku sa v jednom oku nahromadil tlak a došlo k oddeleniu sietnice, zatiaľ čo druhé sa zmenšilo na polovicu svojej veľkosti.

Adoptívna matka Eryn Austinová opisovala ich „život v neustálych nočných morách“, keď Primrose strávila 16 hodín denne plačom od bolesti.

PICS BY ERYN AUSTIN / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: -- MANDATORY BYLINES ON SOME IMAGES -- Eryn and Primrose, they had to teach her everything from holding her head to accepting affection as she had previously been in an orphanage) - A five-year-old is adapting to life without sight after her ultra-rare syndrome meant her piercing silver eyes left her in agony and had to be removed. Primrose Austin was in horrendous pain due to the problems caused by a build-up of pressure, a retinal detachment in one eye while the other endured shrinking to half its size. Chris and Eryn, 34 and 35, from Buford, Georgia, US, adopted her from a Chinese orphanage three years ago, determined to give her a family in 2016. They were told she was blind from untreated congenital glaucoma, which caused her eyes to cloud over, and that she was potentially deaf. - SEE CATERS COPY

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Keď si ju Eryn a manžel Chris pred tromi rokmi adoptovali zo sirotinca v Číne, povedali im, že je slepá kvôli neliečenému vrodenému glaukómu. Preto boli jej oči striebornej farby a bolo im povedané, že pravdepodobne je aj hluchá.

V sirotinci bola zanedbávaná a nikdy sa nenaučila základné veci, ako napríklad držať hlavu hore alebo piť z fľaše.

PICS BY ERYN AUSTIN / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: -- MANDATORY BYLINES ON SOME IMAGES -- Primrose after being adopted and brought back to the US from China) - A five-year-old is adapting to life without sight after her ultra-rare syndrome meant her piercing silver eyes left her in agony and had to be removed. Primrose Austin was in horrendous pain due to the problems caused by a build-up of pressure, a retinal detachment in one eye while the other endured shrinking to half its size. Chris and Eryn, 34 and 35, from Buford, Georgia, US, adopted her from a Chinese orphanage three years ago, determined to give her a family in 2016. They were told she was blind from untreated congenital glaucoma, which caused her eyes to cloud over, and that she was potentially deaf. - SEE CATERS COPY

Eryn Austin našla jej fotku na Facebooku a netrvalo dlho, čo preletela pol sveta, aby spoznala svoju novú dcérku.

Primrose teraz vyrastá spolu s dvoma staršími deťmi.

Eryn povedala, že až 11 špecialistov bolo zmätených z toho, čo spôsobilo jej utrpenie.

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Eryn dodala: „Bol to pre nás všetkých mučivý zážitok, oblieval ju pot a jej telo sa potýkalo s takou intenzívnou bolesťou, že jej nervový systém sa zbláznil.

„Ubližovala si tým, že nejedla a nepila, musel som jej tlačiť tekutiny do úst injekčnou striekačkou, aby bola hydratovaná.“

Magnetická rezonancia odhalila, že mala zriedkavý syndróm 6p25 – poruchu zodpovednú za rôzne očné komplikácie.

Zdravotníci jej odporučili, aby si dala odstrániť oči, a len o niekoľko týždňov neskôr sú ohromení jej zotavením.

PICS BY ERYN AUSTIN / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: -- MANDATORY BYLINES ON SOME IMAGES -- Primrose after her left eye was removed) - A five-year-old is adapting to life without sight after her ultra-rare syndrome meant her piercing silver eyes left her in agony and had to be removed. Primrose Austin was in horrendous pain due to the problems caused by a build-up of pressure, a retinal detachment in one eye while the other endured shrinking to half its size. Chris and Eryn, 34 and 35, from Buford, Georgia, US, adopted her from a Chinese orphanage three years ago, determined to give her a family in 2016. They were told she was blind from untreated congenital glaucoma, which caused her eyes to cloud over, and that she was potentially deaf. - SEE CATERS COPY

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Nakoniec ani nebola úplne hluchá a v ušiach má hadičky, ktoré jej pomáhajú lepšie počuť.

Primrose teraz opäť začína chodiť a učí sa aj dotykovú formu posunkovej reči na komunikáciu.

„Bolo to srdcervúce rozhodnutie nechať jej odstrániť oči, ale bolo to 100% správne,“ povedala Eryn.

MANDATORY BYLINE - PAIGE EWING PHOTOGRAPHY / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: -- MANDATORY BYLINES -- Dad Chris with Primrose in 2016 after adopting her and bringing her back to the USA) - A five-year-old is adapting to life without sight after her ultra-rare syndrome meant her piercing silver eyes left her in agony and had to be removed. Primrose Austin was in horrendous pain due to the problems caused by a build-up of pressure, a retinal detachment in one eye while the other endured shrinking to half its size. Chris and Eryn, 34 and 35, from Buford, Georgia, US, adopted her from a Chinese orphanage three years ago, determined to give her a family in 2016. They were told she was blind from untreated congenital glaucoma, which caused her eyes to cloud over, and that she was potentially deaf. - SEE CATERS COPY

„Bol to zázrak, dva dni po tom, čo sa prvýkrát po mesiacoch postavila, usmievala sa a robila pokroky aj v iných oblastiach.“

Dodala: „Deti ju volajú „monštrum“ a s krikom a plačom utekajú. Ale je krásna, aj keď jej oči vyzerajú inak.‘

Eryn dodala: „Teraz začína komunikovať novým a iným spôsobom. Vždy bude musieť pristupovať k životu inak, no my sme  aspoň odstránili zdroj jej bolesti.

„Ak nebude rozprávať, nájdeme iné spôsoby, ako s ňou komunikovať, naučíme ju posunkovú reč alebo prídeme na niečo iné.“

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Miška Dobráková
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